Laying Down Your Burdens
AT HOME Nadia White AT HOME Nadia White

Laying Down Your Burdens

It took some time, but I realized that trying to solve anything in my strength won’t get me far; it makes everything seem so desolate. In laying down by burdens with God, my load gets lighter.

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My 2022 Goals - Prioritizing Time Over Money
BUSINESS Nadia White BUSINESS Nadia White

My 2022 Goals - Prioritizing Time Over Money

After the income losses I suffered personally, and our businesses had in 2020, I thought it was necessary to make it all up and then some. I put way too much on my plate; I said yes when I should have said no; I tried to accommodate clients, tenants, and business partners, further inconveniencing myself or sacrificing time with my family.

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Allergic to Everything
FOOD and WELLNESS Nadia White FOOD and WELLNESS Nadia White

Allergic to Everything

I always felt there was a possibility that Suri would have food allergies. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), one in thirteen children is living with a food allergy. I know those things tend to be genetic, as a child I suffered from food and environmental allergies, eczema and asthma.

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Raising a Powerhouse Daughter

Raising a Powerhouse Daughter

In honor of Women’s History Month, I certainly felt it necessary to discuss my role in raising the next generation of women, my daughter our powerhouse – Suri Snow! It’s important for me that Suri has a strong foundation in these formative years so that she’s equipped to unapologetically move through a world that may not always make space for her.

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