Leaving a Lasting Legacy


When I think of the word legacy, I think of something passed down that is of great importance and value. This month as we celebrated Black History, we honored the activists, politicians, singers, and artists that paved the way. I don’t take for granted any of the sacrifices that my ancestors made in the past for us to enjoy the life that we have now.  It also really had me thinking about how crucial it is to leave a lasting legacy for my children.

Love - I want Suri and CJ always to know, see and feel my love. I want them to know my love is unconditional, and there is nothing they could do to lose that love. I mean, it’s very easy to say that now as they haven’t yet reached those rebellious teenage years. I want them to be able to come to me with any issue, big or small, and we’ll work through it together. I want them to see my love and devotion for their father and how it may not always be easy, but I’m committed to showing them what a thriving and functional relationship looks like. I want them to feel my love and affection; I plan on hugging and kissing them forever. Or as long as they’ll allow me to.


Integrity – I feel that there is a lot of emphases today on being a “boss” and achieving your goals, no matter what. But there is something to be said of being successful and not having to bypass core values on your way there. I think that is one of the most important lessons for them to learn. If something doesn’t feel right with your spirit, don’t do it. Mark 8:36 says, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?”

Hard Work – One thing about me, I will always put in the work. Even from my days slinging plaid and denim at the mall, I didn’t ask my associates anything that I wasn’t willing to do myself. There were so many 60+ hour work weeks, whether it was a launch of new merchandise, a store opening, or a corporate visit. I am just exhausted thinking about it. Indeed, hard work pays off, and all the times I was clocking-in for someone else, working ungodly hours was preparing me for being self-employed. In my current season of managing our rental properties on top of property managing for other clients and being a realtor. My work life is definitely a juggling act. I hope to instill in Suri and CJ, that you must work for everything you want in life.


 Financial Literacy – While my husband and I already have a Trust in place for Suri and CJ. We know that it will all be in vain if we don’t teach them about money. There are so many stories of children being left with inheritances and just blowing it on ridiculous things or families that once had great wealth, and the next generation has nothing to show for it. We will be teaching them from early on the value of a dollar. I’m also a firm believer that everything we have belongs to God. So we must be good stewards of everything he’s provided for us. Suri and CJ will know how to tithe and how to be generous. I have certainly seen that you can’t out-give God.

Being Authentic – If I do nothing else, I want to ensure that my children are secure in being their authentic selves. At home, we will certainly foster a safe space. I think so many people conform to fit in. I’ve never fit a mold of who people expect me to be. I’ve been told that I was intimidating, but in thinking back, I feel sometimes others project their insecurities onto you. I will teach Suri and CJ how to navigate the world, being their true selves, making no apologies. I have felt life gets easier when you do not have to pretend to be something you’re not.

I think these are the most important legacies I want to leave for my children.

What type of legacy do you want to leave?


“You Can’t Win When You Play Dirty.”


What I’ve Learned About Love