Happy 2nd Birthday CJ!

How are you already two years old, CJ? I've been looking at photos from your first birthday, which seemed like just yesterday.

So much has happened since your last birthday, we recently came back from Jamaica, and you went on an airplane for the first time. You were such a trooper even though you were feeling sick. We realized the only water you like is in the bathtub, so ISR swim lessons have been tricky. We were supposed to be at Disney this weekend, but we had to reschedule because everyone got sick. It seems you get more than your fair share of illness.

Being your mother is such great joy; you are such a comedian; you make me laugh daily. I love your interactions with your Sissy; you certainly keep her on her toes. When you are bothering her and we tell you to stop, you have the biggest grin on your face as if you've mastered how to push her buttons at such a young age. The funniest thing I remember was a few months ago when you asked me for a fruit pouch as I stood in the pantry and insisted that your sister also needed a fruit pouch which you proceeded to give her when she opened it, and you grabbed it from her. I still chuckle as I write that story.

You are still a big eater, especially food on anyone else's plate. Your favorite food is Auntie's oatmeal, and you're taking after your Dad with the Chips obsession. Your favorite fruit is pineapple, you're still loving your broccoli, and you're not a big fan of chicken which is the only protein we've introduced you to.

Your favorite toys are anything with cars or trucks, which you could play with forever...I love how you use your little chair to look out of the window whenever you hear a car coming...the cutest thing is when you check the tires when you go out of the car because obviously, you see Daddy do it. You're such a sponge, and you learn so quickly.

I have many hopes and dreams for you, Baby Boy, but most importantly, I pray you always feel my love.



Photoshoot Details

I came up with this idea in like a week after remembering that I did not plan a photoshoot for CJ, OMG the second child always gets scraps really working on changing that. I am so grateful for my Forever Creative Director - Tishele Smith

Photographer - RTW Photography


Scammed in Love