Laying Down Your Burdens

I recently found myself in a space where I just felt so down and out. Every setback and inconvenience felt life-shattering. I was looking at things so negatively and trying to figure out solutions independently. This post is not about toxic positivity. I find it highly irritating when you’re going through something, and people try to assure you “it’s not that bad.” That is the last thing anyone wants to hear. It took some time, but I realized that trying to solve anything in my strength won’t get me far; it makes everything seem so desolate. In laying down by burdens with God, my load gets lighter. 

Construction Project

The last few weeks, I have just been over it. My most significant stressor is our construction project which has been riddled with setback after setback. We started this project in March of 2020, and here we are, not even close to being completed. Before beginning this project, friends warned me how stressful construction is. It doesn’t go well, no matter how great your relationship with your contractor is. In hindsight, I doubt we would have even started this project if we knew it would have taken this long. But that’s for another post. But in really bringing this to God, I realized that our stressful situation is manageable. Stressing about the project doesn’t make it finish any sooner. We have put it in God’s hands, and we know the delay is for a greater purpose. Both my husband and I need to learn patience. 


Between our Rentals and working with Residential clients, I find myself busier than ever. We had two unexpected vacancies in December that threw a wrench into our plans. We are essentially on cruise control during the holidays, focusing on only the significant items and putting everything off until the New Year. Having to turn units, schedule repairs with vendors (most of who were also taking time off), advertising, and show rentals during the Holiday season was not ideal. I was having a fit, figuring out if they could have been preventable. One of the move-outs was, but it is a lesson learned. But that same unit was just rented, and we are now an approved Section 8 Landlord. I certainly learned from this what you think is a loss; God gives you back something bigger.


I am not exaggerating when I say that I have had an appointment with my children’s Pediatrician every month since September. CJ was sick for at least a month. It was the cycle; Suri brings home germs from preschool, then as she’s on the mend, CJ catches it. It starts with a sniffle, then a runny nose, the fever for a few days; while Suri completely recovers, it lingers for CJ. The lingering cold then turns into something respiratory and then an ear infection. While I’m so grateful it wasn’t Covid; I was starting to get tired of this sick-child song and dance. Then I was indeed convicted. Here am I with all the resources at my disposal; we have great Health Insurance through my husband’s company, my copays are next to nothing. I have the privilege of private childcare not to have to juggle two children at the Doctor’s office. I have the means to pay their prescriptions. Of course, no one wants their child to be sick, but having healthcare is a privilege that I shouldn’t take for granted.

These are just a few of my stressors, but realizing that each of them had a solution or a different perspective when I brought it to God. 

What have you found yourself recently stressed about?

Photoshoot Details

Photographer - Melissa Ortiz Photography

Location - Downtown Winter Garden


Scammed in Love


My 2022 Goals - Prioritizing Time Over Money