Happy Father’s Day My Love

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Truthfully, before having children Father’s Day was always so complicated for me and always met with anxiety. My father was always in Jamaica, and I lived with my Mother and Stepfather here in Florida. I always felt as if I was walking on eggshells, not wanting to hurt my stepfather's feelings or dishonor my Biological Father.  I felt a constant displacement as a child, and I vowed to myself when I had children that their biological parents would be in the same home.

The day after I met my husband, I went to work and told everyone I met my Future Husband. On our first date, we spoke about children; he always felt that his first child would be a daughter, and he wanted her middle name to be Snow. I knew he was the one because, superficially, he checked all the boxes. He was handsome, established, active, and wasn’t married prior or had any children. I selfishly wanted everything we did to be our first together, from marriage to raising children. My husband had the same sentiment. I am in no way trying to discount the beauty of a blended family that just not what I wanted for myself or our children.  

He is everything and more than a Father should be; he’s a Protector, a Provider, and the Priest of our household. He is truly is the yin to my yang.  He is calm and mild-tempered, where I can be erratic and unreasonable. Yet, he is so hardworking, good at so many things, and adventurous. Our children are beyond blessed to have him as their Father.

I will say that there was definitely a learning curve for him and in his role.  He was raised by a very amazing old-school Jamaican hard-working Father. Who was in the home and was such an amazing provider, but wasn’t the most present. My husband jokes that his Dad didn’t even know the name of any of the schools he attended. That was just the norm back then. Research has shown that today’s Father is spending more time with their children than the generations before.

The pandemic was a turning point for us. Those who know my Husband know he’s a go-go, and it really took the pandemic to slow him down. Having to be home 24/7 initially, I really saw his relationship with Suri blossom. They were going on bike rides; he jogged with her in the running stroller, just incorporating her in all his usual activities. She loved every minute of it. That is something they still do to this day, their bike rides.  I know how critical it is for a girl to have the love of her Father. It shapes her future relationships.

Whenever Suri gets her hair combed and puts on a cute outfit, she goes to her Father to reaffirm how nice she looks. It just melts my heart. She constantly asks for him throughout the day as if I’m chopped liver; it is cute; I’m not the one bit jealous. Even when Chris is firm with her, she takes it harder than when I am, which is more frequent.


His relationship with CJ is just the sweetest; their Father and Son bond happened so quickly. I mean, CJ is his namesake.  As soon as CJ sees his Daddy, he’ll walk past everyone and everything to greet him. He literally jumps out of my arm to have his Father hold him. He obviously still says Dada more than Mama.

It’s just amazing to see him grow into his role as a Father for the past three years. Happy Father’s Day, my love!

Photography - RTW Photography

Creative Director - Tishele Smith


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