My Postpartum Wellness Journey


It has been such a struggle to get back to my ideal weight since having CJ. It's not easy juggling two small children, a husband, and work. While I want to feel comfortable in my body again, discipline and organization are lacking. I know I should be eating balanced and nutritious meals and incorporating exercise, but that isn't my reality.

That being said, it was vital for me to enlist the help of a Professional Nutritionist to help me along this journey.

Intro - I am excited to have Shawna Shaw, MS, RD, LDN, CLT of SkyLife Nutrition & Wellness on the blog today. So before we get into specific questions, please tell me about yourself.

Hi Nadia! I am a Registered Dietitian and owner of SkyLife Nutrition & Wellness. I provide nutritional services via telehealth, specializing in food sensitivities, chronic inflammation, and sports nutrition. I am a wife and mom of 3 swimmers. In my spare time, I enjoy running, cycling, hiking, and spending time with family.

Oh, that's wonderful; please tell us about your journey as a Nutritionist? Educational Background, Studies, and Certifications? What motivated you to become a Nutritionist?

I've always loved science and nature, so going into college, I majored in biology. Specifically intrigued with the physiology and mechanics of the human body, I changed my major to Exercise Physiology. It was during this course of study that I discovered nutritional sciences. Obviously, fitness and nutrition go hand in hand, so in my fourth year of undergrad, I added Human Nutrition as a second major. Taking on a huge course load, I completed both degrees in 5 years since many of the required classes overlapped. I later completed a combined Masters of Science & Dietetic Internship program, which allowed me to sit for the Registered Dietitian (RD) exam. Many years after grad school, my health struggles led me into the field of integrative and functional nutrition, specifically the study of chronic inflammation and food sensitivities.

I know you've worked with organizations from widely-known weight loss brands to Government Agencies. What were your experiences there? Did that ultimately affect your want to start your own company?

Working in both the private and governmental sectors, I've learned that while the environments may differ, the common thread comes down to service. Being driven by meeting the needs of the people you serve and making service fundamental and paramount to your personal mission is relevant and necessary in every setting. The decision to start my private practice was born out of the desire to provide quality care in an integrative and personalized manner that afforded me the flexibility I needed for my family. 

I enlisted your services in helping me get rid of the weight from my second child, CJ...why does it seem like weight loss is more complex this time around? (For Suri, I just breastfed, and the weight dropped off.)

Many moms, including myself, have struggled with the increased difficulty of weight loss after the 2nd or 3rd child. Unfortunately, there are no definitive answers to explain this frustrating, multifaceted phenomenon. Likewise, there is no one blanket solution. After baby number two, and especially if pregnancies are close together, moms are suddenly juggling the daily demands of two little ones. This often means greater sleep deprivation, less time and energy for exercise, little time to plan (and eat) nourishing meals for herself - all coupled with fluctuating hormones. Needless to say, weight loss can become more difficult with each successive pregnancy. My advice to moms is, "take your time and give yourself some grace." Sleep deprivation and stress make it more difficult hormonally to lose weight. Plan to take naps when the kiddos are sleeping. Drink plenty of water daily, especially if you are consuming caffeine. Allow friends and family to help out. When asked how they can help, don't be afraid to request healthy meals consisting of protein and vegetables. Ask a close friend or relative if they would be willing to help prep fresh fruit & veggies for snacks, overnight oats, or family meals that can quickly go from freezer to oven. Keep in mind that nourishing your body will help with weight loss and provide nutrients to help you recover in the postpartum period, and equip you to care for yourself and your family.

I know that you focus on wellness as a whole; what are some healthy general practices for Mamas during the postpartum phase?

In addition to the advice above, it is also essential to intake specific nutrients in the postpartum period. These include vitamin D, omega-3'somega-3's, iron, magnesium, B vitamins (specifically folate, B6, B12), calcium & zinc. Obtaining these nutrients from whole foods and supplements helps recovery and decreases the risk and severity of postpartum depression.

There are so many diets and fasts out, from Keto to Intermittent Fasting, it's hard to keep up. What is your take on finding the proper "diet" for each individual?

There is no "One Diet" for all. We are individuals with individual needs. Figuring out which dietary lifestyle works best for your overall health can take time, research, and trial & error. You shouldn't feel pressure to follow what someone else is doing, nor should you feel defeated if something works for someone else but not for you. If you have found it to be an "impossible" task, it may be beneficial to enlist the help of a Registered Dietitian.

So we are currently on the MRT/Leap Protocol of this wellness journey. Can you explain to my readers what exactly that is?

MRT stands for Mediator Release Testing, which is the gold standard in food sensitivity testing. A client's blood is drawn and tested against 170 different foods & food chemicals in this testing. The client's inflammatory response to each food & chemical is identified and quantified. This establishes the basis for designing an informed and individualized dietary protocol. The Lifestyle Eating And Performance (LEAP) protocol is then carried out over 6-8 wks, eliminating inflammatory foods and strategically building a plan using "safe" foods. This process allows the immune system to calm and the body to heal. 

It was crazy to me that the foods that I ate daily were not so good for me. When do you suggest doing bloodwork to figure out your food sensitivities?

If clients struggle with chronic inflammatory symptoms or illnesses, GI disturbances, chronic pain, and fatigue for which there has been no explanation or relief, they may want to consider testing. A Certified Leap Therapist will perform an assessment to determine if food sensitivity testing is indicated.

As you're well aware, the biggest struggle for me has been consistency and remembering to eat. What are some tips you give your clients to maintain a healthy eating lifestyle?

1. Plan ahead - have healthy foods in the house, prepped, and easily accessible.

2. Use a food log app - it helps you to remember to eat; it helps you with accountability and goal setting.

3. Get the whole family involved - healthy eating and physical activity is a lifestyle (not a "diet" or fad) that benefits you and everyone you love.

4. Identify your "WHY" and remind yourself often - Why are you focusing on your health? What are the beneficial outcomes, and how does that motivate you?

Shawna Shaw, MS, RD, LDN, CLT of SkyLife Nutrition & Wellness

Shawna Shaw, MS, RD, LDN, CLT of SkyLife Nutrition & Wellness

Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me. I've found your services invaluable. What services do you provide, and what is the best way to contact you.

All of my services are listed on my website.



Instagram: @skylifewellness

Shoot Details:

Photographer - Melissa Ortiz Photography

Makeup and Stylist - Tishele Smith

Workout Gear - Rebellious Fit


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