My Daniel Fast Experience

The Daniel Fast is a 21-day fast based on the prophet Daniel’s spiritual and dietary experiences in the book named after him. The goal is essentially only to eat plant-based meals (nothing processed) and avoiding other foods (sugars, bread, alcohol, and meat products) as a moment of sacrifice to God. My goal was to draw closer to God and transparently lose some of this baby weight. I typically adhere to a Pescatarian diet and avoid dairy, and I don’t even drink. This fast should have been so easy for me, but it was an absolute struggle. I was only able to fast for 14-days before just throwing in the towel. I certainly missed the mark on the fast, and the next time I participate in this fast, these are the steps to ensure that I’ll take to complete it.  


Fasting - While I printed off the Daniel Fast food list a week before starting the fast. I didn’t grocery shop until the second day of the fast, which ultimately shocked my psyche. If I had grocery shopped, I would have been able to do a meal plan instead of preparing food on the fly, when I was hungry, and my body was literally having withdrawals from not having caffeine and carbs.  

Prayer – When I started this fast, I didn’t have a specific purpose in mind. Of course, I wanted to draw closer to God, but that was too vague. There are so many areas in my life that I need clarity and direction on. It was hard for me to stay committed because I didn’t have a specific spiritual goal in mind.


Food – Seeing that I wasn’t on a schedule, nor did I do meal prep. I found myself famished for a majority of the fast. The next time I will eat and specific times of the day and prep my food beforehand.

Prayer – While I was doing a 21-day devotion because I wasn’t carving out the time every day. Some days I noticed myself rushing through it so that I could do my other tasks. The next time, I will be more intentional carving out the first hour of my day, so my time is uninterrupted.


One thing I know for sure is that I consume too many carbs and sugar. In going forward, I plan to limit them. This fast took my cooking to another level of creativity. I was able to utilize spices and herbs that I wouldn’t have used before. In reading labels, I realized how sugar is in practically everything. I know the next time I do this fast, I will be better prepared.


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