Happy 2nd Birthday, Suri Snow!

I can’t believe the baby that made me a Mommy is already 2 years old. I honestly don’t know where the time went.

Even from my pregnancy with you, I could feel how exceptional you were. In utero, you made your wishes clearly known. Whenever you were hungry, I could feel your sharp knees kicking me. Every night your Daddy and I would sing to you, and you always elbowed me when we stopped.

We waited until birth to find out your gender, but everyone had convinced us we were having a boy. You were born on your exact due date. You came so quickly that your Daddy almost didn’t catch you in the birthing pool. After giving birth to you, I laid you on my chest. I was in complete awe that I brought you into this world. It wasn’t for at least 30 mins we looked up and realized you were a girl. We had the midwife verify. We were in complete awe, all of those months of wondering and speculating, and here you were, a beautiful baby girl. The joy we felt at that moment was indescribable.

In your first few days of life, we quickly learned that you meant business, had like no chill. Your gut-wrenching cry at any moment for any reason, certainly earned you the nickname “Spicy Mama.” Whew, you had us on our toes and still do until this day. You’re definitely a little boss and makes no apologies for it.

I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve to be your Mommy, but I thank God every single day. You’ve taught me so much in the past 2 years. Firstly, giving birth to you unmedicated taught me how strong I am and what my body can do. Your first few months of life, when you spent most of it on my chest, taught me how to be present. You really are adventurous and love the outdoors, which is totally your Daddy. The fact that you’re always busy has made me more active.

Even though you’ve only been a big sister for a few months, I can tell how seriously you take your role. You are so loving with CJ, from giving him his pacifier, rubbing his head, and randomly giving him kisses.

I love seeing you with your Daddy, and you bring out a gentleness in him that wasn’t there before. He always said he dreamt that his first child would be a girl. On our first date, he even said he would want to give his daughter the middle name “Snow.” I still can’t believe you’re here, a fulfillment of everything I’ve ever dreamed and prayed for.

I thank God for entrusting us to be your parents. I may not always get it right, but I promise to be humble enough to admit it. As you’ve only been here for a short time, the impact you’ve had on us is substantial. I can’t wait to see what your future holds, but I pray you to continue to do everything boldly.

I love you, Mama!


How I Survived Two Children Under Two


Allow Me to Introduce Myself