Allow Me to Introduce Myself

My name is Nadia White, and welcome to my lifestyle blog – Nadia in Charge! I came up with the name as a cheeky reference to one of my favorite 80s sitcom in which the babysitter finds himself unwittingly not in charge or control at all. I always joke that my real bosses are both in diapers.

I am a Believer - saved but savage. It’s my goal to grow closer to Christ every year.  I’ve been married for 4 years to my wonderful and patient husband. It’s a very cute story of how we met in 2012, but that’s another blog post. As I’ve previously mentioned, I have two beautiful children (2 years old and 5 months old) that certainly keep me on my toes. Our family tries to live a very natural lifestyle, from eating clean, reducing the toxins in our home, and proactive healthcare. While I am a big proponent of “Food is Medicine,” I also have a major sweet tooth. So obviously, there is balance. During both my pregnancies, I was very intentional and fortunate enough to deliver both babies at home via water birth. I’m so passionate about normalizing home births.

I would consider myself as a Real Estate Maven. When I met my husband, he already had several Investment Properties throughout Central Florida. When you’re dating a Business Owner, you quickly become an unpaid Assistant. While assisting with the properties it inspired me to get a Real Estate License. That truly helped me learn the business inside and out. I still worked in Retail Management at the time and then moved into a Corporate Recruiting role. At the end of 2017, I transitioned into the Real Estate full time. I currently manage all the Operations of our Investment properties while also being a Real Estate Agent and Property Manager. I am a firm believer in multiple sources of Income, and this pandemic has further cemented that.  

I’m never one to mince my words, I attribute that to my Jamaican upbringing. I’ve experienced the highest of highs and some lows through navigating life and have come out better and truthfully sometimes bitter. As my favorite pastor says, “I’m progressing, not perfect.”

I’m sharing my experiences with my faith, life, marriage, motherhood, and multiple Real Estate businesses. While I can’t even pretend to have it all figured out, I do feel I have an incredibly unique perspective on life. This blog is a way for me to connect with women and encourage them to live authentically. Don’t forget to subscribe for all the latest updates. I look forward to sharing my journey with you!


Happy 2nd Birthday, Suri Snow!