Christmas Redefined

Christmas this year looks different for everyone. While I’ve always subscribed to the school of thought that Jesus is the Reason for the Season. I’d be a fraud if I didn’t note how much I love the Pomp and Circumstance of the Christmas season. From sending out Christmas Cards to our closest friends and family, the last minute Christmas shopping trips to Millenia, and our annual trip to Jamaica after Christmas.

This year I’ve had to reevaluate what’s really important. This pandemic has touched everyone; just the normal way of life may never be the same. Even in our family, my Husband was furloughed for eight months, and our real estate businesses have suffered major financial loss. But God has been more than sufficient, and through it all, I continue to trust him. It made me realize that nothing is guaranteed, and we can’t depend on jobs, finances, and assets for our security. These are just resources, and God is our ultimate source.

My heart aches for those who have lost family members, are still without a job, and facing homelessness. That’s the reality for so many this season. It’s hard for me to celebrate Christmas without taking that into account.

Showing Appreciation - I definitely still sent out our annual Christmas Card. That’s a tradition I truly enjoy and want to continue. Every holiday season, I've intended to give cards with a cash tip to everyone from the Postal Worker, the FedEx/UPS Drivers, and our Valet Trash company. Most years, I'm inconsistent at best. This year I really made an effort and finally have been giving out those cards. It’s a small gesture, but I don’t take for granted how these people have had to show up every day to work during this pandemic.

Donating Trips - This year, I’ve realized how much excess I have. That’s saying a lot because my husband is very much a minimalist and pushes that belief on the rest of us. But we’ve continued to donate items that could better serve others. From furniture, to brand new clothing and toys, we’ve realized if we aren’t using it, it could bless someone else.

Enjoying Home - while we won’t be doing the mad dash through the airport anytime soon. I will obviously miss seeing my Dad and family in Jamaica and going to Gloria’s on the Beach as soon as we land for Escovitch fish. I am enjoying this calmness with my Husband and children and just marveling at everyday activities that I would usually not be very present in. Our daily walks show me just how much wonder a child sees in the ordinary.

This Christmas, after we’ve stripped away the excess, the extravagant gifts, the large gatherings, and the annual Christmas vacation. While those things make Christmas amazing, I realize now it’s the simple things are my blessings.


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